
Soft Wave Moment
in Time
Sound of
5CD Set

 Sound of
9-11-01 Visioning Sound


 On a


Sound of Feelings: 5 CD Set by Jessie Allen Cooper
A companion to the book "The Art of Emotional Healing"
by  Dr. Lucia Capacchioine

 5 Disc Set:
Disc 1.
 Introduction & Sad
Disc 2.
 Angry & Playful
Disc 3.
 Afraid & Loving
Disc 4.
 Depressed & Happy
Disc 5.
 Confused & Peaceful

Letters from Children

Music by Jessie Allen Cooper
Guided Narration by Dr. Lucia Capacchione
© 2000(p) Cooper Sound Waves (ASCAP)

Special Thanks:
For Musical Direction, Lead Keyboardist, and Arrangement: Tim Ponzek

For Compostion and Performance:
Carl Amberson, Steve Bailey, Frankie Blue, Rebecca Bolin, Jan Brodin, Mark Cohen, Scott Fentress, Russ Freeman, David Kemper, Tom Kemper, Buddy Kithara, Rick Krizman, Blake Lewin, Steve Milbacher, Rob Mullins, Osamu Kitajima, Steve Reid, Robert Resetar, Dave Scheffler, Tony Selvage, Ricardo Silvera, Belinda Skinner, Mike SMith, Mike Thompson, Larry Washington, Masakazu Yoshizawa

For Graphics and Electronic Layout:
Brian Stuart Hanish and Julianna White

For Their Encouragement and Support:
A Very Heartfelt Thanks to All My Family and Friends for thier Encouragement and Support

And of Course, To Lucia Capachionne...
You Helped Make This Dream Come True!

Created and released as an accompaniment to Dr. Lucia Capacchione's book, released in 2001. "Living With Feeling: The Art of Emotional Expression," this 5-CD set and sampler, provides the musical equivalent of nine familiar emotions: anger, playfulness, fear, love, confusion, peace, depression, happiness. These are all Cooper originals, with about 25% of the material written especially for this set. He has surrounded himself with a veritable who's who of current musicians, and can be heard himself on each and every track. Long-time associate, Tim Ponzek is musical director, arranger and lead keyboardist. In addition to the complete set, a musical sampler is also available.

Album Notes
The Sound of Feelings: Music for Exploring Emotions
was created by Jessie Allen Cooper as an audio sound track for Dr. Lucia Capacchione's book, Living with Feeling: The Art of Emotional Expression... A dynamic performer and recording artist, his earlier albums include Soft Wave ( Narada Productions ), Heaven Sent, and Moment In Time. Jessie wears many hats (usually berets) for he is also a visual arist and master framer. In Los Angeles gallery circles he is known as "framer to the art stars." These two multi-faceted artists met in the mid-80s when Jessie mounted a one-woman show of Lucia's photographs. Their friendship grew and so did their dream of collaborating on a project that would bring all the arts togeather in an audio program. The Sound of Feelings is that dream come true. It is the perfect complement to Lucia's earlier books. Author and pioneer in Expressive Arts Therapy, Lucia conducts workshops world-wide and has published twelve books, including the best seller, Recovery of Your Inner Child. The collaboration between these two talents is an exciting blend of Jessie's music and Lucia's Expressive Arts Therapy techniques.

How To Use The Sound of Feelings:
Music for Exploring Emotions

This ten-part program features nine families of emotions; Sad, Angry, Playful, Afraid, Loving, Depressed, Happy, Confused and Peaceful. First, listen to the The Sound of Feelings Introduction: Guided Narration. Do the simple drawing-to-music activities for expressing each of the nine families of emotions. Then listen to the guidelines for using the nine musical medley segments that serve as a "sound track" for exploring emotions through movement, music, drawing, painting, sculpting with clay, and creative writing.

Each of the nine emotions segments is a collection of musical pieces evoking that particular feeling. Use them in whichever order you like. Follow your own mood to guide you to the emotion theme you wish to explore. Play as many pieces as you like in the segment you select.

There are many ways to express emotions in addition to the drawing-to-music activity in the guided narration. Draw your feelings, dance them, drum them, or write them out. The emotions are paired, with the more difficult emotion first, followed by a lighter or more uplifting one. You may even notice that emotions change naturally. For example, anger may turn into playfulness. We hope you will enjoy this journey into your true feelings and your Creative Self.

For further discussion and more in-depth activities use Lucia's book,
Living with Feeling: The Art of Emotional Expression (Tarcher/Putnam).

You may contact Dr.Lucia Capacchione, @ Box 1355, Cambria, CA 93428
